(All comments are from former students of Dr. French)

I did not have any calculus in high school, so I was a bit worried about taking calculus in college, but it turned out I had no reason to be anxious in Dr. French's calculus class. Dr. French brings such enthusiasm to his teaching that students cannot help but get excited about math. Everything must be made clear for Dr. French's students, and he explains concepts in easy to understand (and often funny) ways so that students can grasp them. He emphasizes that each problem can be solved, we just need to use our "weapons of math destruction" suited to the problem. Not having to take notes is such a blessing in a math course; you can focus all of your attention on learning and fully comprehending the material for that class, rather than trying to scribble down in your notebook what the professor said 3 sentences ago, while still trying to listen to what he is saying at the present moment - this gets so many math students lost and frustrated! Dr. French's truth gems are also an indispensable part of his course; they are really encouraging to math students. I never knew that the Bible could apply to my study of calculus before! Dr. French made calculus fun for me. Because of him and the wonderful experience I had in his course and the math self-confidence I gained taking his course, I have decided to surpass my major requirements and go on to take higher level calculus courses.

Georgetown College
Georgetown, Kentucky

Math Trilogy Page
Algebra II    Logic for Understanding Mathematics   Calculus I